15 Health Mistakes to Avoid and the Science-Backed Habits to Embrace

Health Mistakes to Avoid

1. Don’t Over-Trim Nose Hair

Health Mistakes to Avoid

Avoid trimming your nose hair completely, as it serves as the first line of 1st protection in your respiratory system, trapping dust and preventing it from entering your lungs.

So, just trim the externally visible hairs if it disturbing, but never remove it entirely.

2. The Science of Afternoon Naps

Have you ever felt unusually tired after waking up from an afternoon nap? This happens because your sleep cycle gets disrupted. Especially, If you sleep during the day, sleep for either a quick 20-30 minutes or a longer 90 minutes. Sleeping for an in-between time interrupts your daily sleep cycle, also you will feel more exhausted than before you slept.

3. Sweet Snacks vs. Focus

Health Facts

Consuming sugary snacks or drinks while focusing intensely on work might seem intuitive, but it increases fluctuations in blood glucose levels, causing your brain to lag and become less effective. Especially for students, avoiding sweet foods before exams is a good idea.

Research reveals that drinking energy drinks, soda, and sugary beverages can raise the risk of hair loss by up to 42%. Beyond that, these drinks also negatively impact cognitive ability, showing how harmful these habits can be for both body and mind.

The study “Sugary Drinks and Male Pattern Hair Loss: A Study on Beverage Consumption and Hair Loss Risk” suggests that drinking sugary beverages more often increases the risk of hair loss by 42%. This means people who regularly consume sugary drinks are more likely to experience hair thinning and loss compared to those who don’t drink them as often.

5. Screen-Free Sleep

Don’t check your phone right after waking Up Checking your phone as soon as you wake up can put unnecessary stress on your brain, leaving you feeling irritated and distracted for the rest of the day. Research strongly advises starting your mornings screen-free.

Also, avoid using electronic devices for at least 30 minutes before bed. The blue light they emit reduces melatonin, the sleep hormone, which is a key factor in poor sleep quality.

6. Extreme Exercise and Kidney Failure Risk

health facts about the body

Never perform high-intensity workouts without monitoring your heart rate. Ideally, your heart rate should not exceed 190 beats per minute. Surpassing this limit can pose serious health risks, including the potential for cardiac issues.

7. Monitor Your Heart During Intense Workouts

Engaging in extreme exercise can potentially lead to kidney failure. During intense workouts, muscle damage occurs, discharging muscle contents into the bloodstream. When this release is excessive, your kidneys struggle to filter it, leading to failure. However, this happens only with extremely intense exercise, so moderation is key.

8. Headphone Overuse Can Permanently Affect Hearing

Health Facts

The World Health Organization (WHO) warns against using headphones for more than an hour a day. Prolonged usage can lead to permanent hearing loss, so “Limiting headphone usage to one hour per day and keeping the volume at 60% of the maximum” is essential to reduce the risk of noise-induced hearing loss.

A recent case, A 38-year-old university lecturer from the UK, suffered long-term hearing damage after playing video games like Call of Duty & Fortnite for 5-6 hours every day for 15 years, often using his headset at maximum volume. He started experiencing dizziness and loss of consciousness, which led to a diagnosis of damage to his inner ear, affecting his balance and long-distance hearing. (Ref)

9.Water Overload Isn’t Healthy

While staying hydrated is essential, drinking excessive water (over 4 liters a day) can lower your sodium levels, causing health issues like hyponatremia & Intoxication. Balance is crucial for optimal health.

Some Cases of Water Intoxication
CaseAmount of Water ConsumedTimeframeOutcome
Indiana Woman1.9 liters (64 ounces)20 minutesFatal water intoxication
LandscaperNearly 11 liters (3 gallons)5 hoursSevere electrolyte imbalance
Australian Mother4 liters daily (habitual)OngoingKidney failure, medical emergency
Mother Fighting InfectionExcessive amounts (unspecified)Short period (ICU case)Symptoms of drowning, overhydration
Health Facts science facts Health Mistakes to Avoid health facts about the body

10. Don’t Pick at Skin Moles

If you have a mole on your body, never pick at it. Irritating or damaging a mole can lead to abnormal growth, and in rare cases, it could potentially turn cancerous. So avoid self-removing.

Currently, there are 4 types of treatments to remove moles: Laser Mole Removal, Radiofrequency Mole Removal, Cryotherapy, and Shaving Procedures. Consult with your dermatologist to determine the best method based on your specific mole and skin condition.

11. Protein: Friend in Moderation

Protein is beneficial when consumed in the right amounts, but excessive intake makes your kidneys work harder, potentially causing strain. Doctors even recommend low-protein diets for patients with kidney damage to deter further difficulties.

A recent widely known case: In 2017 a 25-year-old mother from Australia died after consuming high amounts of protein supplements, shakes, and protein-rich foods daily to prepare for a bodybuilding competition. (Ref)

12. Eat Slowly to Avoid Overeating

Health Facts

No matter how busy you are, avoid eating quickly. Eating fast often leads to overeating because your brain doesn’t get enough time to signal fullness.

When you eat slowly, even smaller portions can make you feel satisfied. But if you eat fast, you’ll likely consume more before realizing you’re full, which can lead to discomfort.

13. Breathe Right During High-Intensity Workouts

During high-intensity activities like running or heavy workouts, avoid breathing through your mouth. Mouth breathing lowers the acid levels in your blood, affecting proper oxygen release in your body and making you feel even more tired. Practice controlled nasal breathing for improved performance and recovery.

However, breathing through the mouth at any time is avoidable. If you do it for too long, it can transform your face into a convex shape. Check out the famous case in London where a boy’s face was transformed.

14. Avoid Crossing Your Legs While Sitting

Health Facts

Avoid sitting with one leg crossed over the other. This pose can affect the alignment of your spinal cord, potentially leading to discomfort and posture-related issues over time. Sit with both feet flat on the ground to maintain proper spinal alignment and overall body balance. Also, this is one of the reasons for your back pain

15. The Dangers of Ego Lifting

Pushing your body to lift weights beyond its capacity, known as “ego lifting,” significantly increases the chance of injuries. Always prioritize form and safety over lifting heavier weights to protect yourself from potential harm.

We all know Ronnie Coleman, a legend in weightlifting and one of the most reputed bodybuilders. Years of ego lifting led to severe injuries and multiple surgeries, now leaving him in a wheelchair for the rest of his life.

Health Mistakes to Avoid What are 15 interesting facts? health facts about the body Health Facts science facts

Health Mistakes to Avoid health facts about the body Health Facts science facts What are 15 interesting facts?

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